While I would prefer if Bioshock and Bioshock Infinite weren't connected, the way this DLC ties together both of the games is satisfying and unintrusive (mostly).

The first part of the DLC is more or less trying to tie together Rapture and Columbia by going back and adding things from Infinite into the original, and while this creates some plot holes it mostly works. Rapture looks visually beautiful and it's satisfying to see what Rapture looked like before its downfall.
The gameplay is basically the same as Infinite which is fine because that game has a great combat system. The new plasmid and weapon is nothing that outstanding but they're interest. Overall the first part is just more Bioshock Infinite.

The second part however is very different. The gameplay switches from the action shooter combat of Infinite to be more stealth focused, which works (kinda). You can mostly get around everything by just crouching down the path the designers clearly laid out and when you see an enemy you can just use your crossbow to kill them, get their ammo and move on which creates no tension. It's never shown that you can switch weapons what so ever so what ended up happening to me was I got to the part where you come back from Columbia and have to fight off Ryan's goons and that's when I discovered you could do it, near the end of the game. To be fair I did have that smart assist thing off but I don't remember it showing up anywhere in those pop up texts. The story is way better than part one and ties together both games in probably the best way they could've without completely rewriting the original. Overall the second part is better than the first part but isn't as good as the base game.

Overall both DLC's are just an excuse to tie together both games together, and as that it works. However I just wish the games weren't connected in the first place, because the original and Infinite would be so much better for it.

Reviewed on Nov 12, 2023
