Undertale is a prime example of how fame can harm a game. I was fortunate enough to play this game in late 2015, just a few months after its release. When I reflect on it now, I find it hard to imagine anyone playing the game blind, or wanting to interact with it given the notoriety of its fanbase. It's a shame, because I can't really say there's an experience in gaming quite like what Undertale can offer you. It lives around you, with you, and in response to you. Everything you do is recorded in a system I find ingenious. When it pays off, the game can be as eerie as any horror title, or as emotional as a drama. It's personal, addresses you as the player instead of you as your character. Its themes are relevant and important to society. It's almost too difficult for me to describe the feelings this game can evoke if its player is in the right state: unfamiliar and unspoiled. While these criteria become less common with each passing day, it's impossible to deny that this game is uniquely special, and in my eyes cannot be replicated. I wish I could say more, but I think I'll leave it here.

Reviewed on Nov 08, 2023
