Ah yes, first game syndrome am I right?
Inti Creates did a fantastic job at inventing a new gameplay style for the Mega Man franchise, with a larger focus on speed, combat and storytelling. However, their future polish just wasn't present in this entry. My main gripe has to be the fact that the GBA screen size ruins most of the experience and makes bullshit sections even worse. There are also lots of smaller issues that when combined feel like a kick in the dick. Having to grind your weapons to max level, the limited retry chip system, revisiting boring stages for no reason, farming E-Crystals just to feed a single Cyber Elf, you name it. Still, I'd say this entry is worth any Mega Man fan's time. As a reminder, I can't stress enough how much I recommend using the Legacy Collection's Save Assist mode in your first playthrough. Go ahead, I won't judge.

Reviewed on Feb 01, 2023
