Honestly, apart from skill issues on my part, with me being subpar at rhythm games. I loved everything about this. A perfect game.

I remember playing this back when it released on PC and I'm honestly surprised how well this game holds up. While I do think the lack of sprinting does hold the game back a bit, its very rare I feel like I needed it outside of some exploring parts.

I like how much this game has drawn form more recent survival media for inspiration, offering some interesting intertextuality one of my favourites being The Descent (2005). The overall reliance on horror elements feel right at home in a game like this. While still giving the audience some great action set pieces.

Overall a really great reboot for a modern audience, while I understand fans of the original games may feel alienated by these entries I do think reviving this series into a more cinematic action setting was the right call. Which definitely left me wanting more.