PEAK RETURNS!!! This has been in my top 10 games of all time, despite the fact that I've never actually played it. Feels very very validating to know that that fact remains even after finally getting a chance to experience this outside of a let's play

Altho really weird thing is that, despite me believing that this 100% is a better game than the original in almost every aspect, I think I liked my playthrough of the first game more? It's weird, but the pacing in the first game was absolutely perfect, but this one felt like it dragged a little (especially in the Old Aperture areas)

I think it's because the puzzles are waaaayy bigger now, to the point where they added a zoom feature. So half the time, in the later portions of the game, you're just looking around trying to figure out WHERE to place your next portal lmao

Anyway, best ending to any video game ever made. Fight me

Reviewed on Oct 01, 2023
