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(!)Review copy-pasted straight from Twitter lol

I think I may have overhyped myself because it really wasn't all that special lmao. The story was fine, I've been out of the Star Wars franchise since ep 9, but I don't think I needed to have caught up on my Star Wars lore to enjoy this (which is a good thing)

Where the game excelled were the lightsaber battles. They were finally able to give me that rush of being a jedi that hasn't been captured before in Battlefront or Force Unleashed. Shame there were only 3 of them in the whole game

The puzzles in the game were offensively simple, but offensively obtuse as well. I would have chalked it up to me just being a dumbass but when I looked up the answer for the easiest puzzle in the game on youtube and I saw that 1.2M people ALSO looked it up, I think I have a point here

What I didn't expect was for this game to be a metroidvania. I'm not the biggest fan of that genre, but for what its worth, this one was designed really well. EXCEPT for the Zeffo temple. The level design there is so frustratingly obtuse and hidden that there are deadass walkthroughs on youtube showing you how to LEAVE the area

The Uncharted style platforming was okay, but a little unresponsive at times. I still don't get what was the point of having to press L2 to grab on to objects. Just autograb it for me like Uncharted does??

I think the most disappointing aspect for me was character dynamics. Like yo I really wasn't sold on Greez, Cere, and Cal being friends. I eventually did after taking the holocron back and I was hyped for what was next

...and then the credits started rolling. Like seriously?? That's it!?

Like even after finishing the game I really couldn't tell you a single thing about any of the characters. Cal is hot but he's also like pretty bland tbh lmao. I also was not sold whatsoever with the actor's performance, no hate to Mr. Monaghan ofc, but yeah. Times where Cal shouts or is in pain like when he thinks Cere died or whatever, my guy just won't show any negative emotion past mildly bothered

Other than the definitive lightsaber experience, I also think this game is a great entrypoint into the Soulsborne genre. It's pretty similar to Sekiro swordplay wise except much easier

Overall, it's a pretty good Star Wars game, but definitely has a lot of room for improvement. If you wanna play another Respawn game with a better story, I recommend Titanfall 2

Reviewed on Oct 02, 2023
