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Sept 17, 2022

That was certainly a game.

I don't think disappointing is the right word I'm looking for, probably underwhelming is more fitting

The game opened really strongly, but the moment it started time skipping was when it lost me tbh. The game fast tracked the relationship between Henry and Delilah and that just didn't do it for me. Like I was at the end of Day 3 getting to know my new boss and within 5 minutes of gameplay, I was suddenly on Day 64

I understand that they built up Henry and Delilah's connection with each other through a quick montage and that was the game's way of showing that and that's great and all, but as the player I barely know jackshit about her

At the end of the day, Firewatch is a good game, but my experience was hampered a little by an awful framerate (my PC problem, not a game problem)
October 2, 2023

Hiiii so it's a year later and my opinion on this game has drastically shifted LMAO. It's really one of those games that you just kinda sit with and think about for awhile after you play them

So my thoughts on the time skips are still pretty much the same, its kinda whack, but they bother me less now. The main point of this rereview is to discuss the nature of the game itself

In the game, Henry becomes a firewatch lookout for Shoshone National Forest as an escape from his super stressful reality regarding his wife and other complications. Throughout the game, you uncover what at first seems to be supernatural elements throughout the forest, but by the end (most of it) is revealed to just be mundane things exacerbated by both Henry and Delilah's wants of wanting something more from life

That's something we can all relate to. Wanting something exciting to happen to us to break free from the stressors and monotony of everyday life. After a week or so of playing the game, I encountered my own set of stressors in my personal life. What did I do?

I booted up the game and just walked around in the game's built in free roam mode and that's when it clicked. I was walking through Shoshone National Forest as an escape from my reality the same way Henry was

This game is LITERALLY a calm escape from everyday life where you can just get lost in the trees and ignore all your issues for a bit

Having that realization click was an amazing feeling and I have this game to thank for it....still not a perfect score tho lol

Reviewed on Oct 02, 2023
