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GAmazingYT followed razbuten

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GAmazingYT earned the Liked badge

13 days ago

GAmazingYT finished Animal Well
An absolutely jaw dropping video game experience that reminds me of why I love the medium so much.

The ambience of the game instantly hooks you into this world that the creators of the game created for you. It makes you want to explore every single square pixel of the place. The final section before the main ending stressed me out so much, I felt sick... in a good way. This game is so damn rewarding, because every time you discover something within it, it feels like YOU, and you alone, discovered it. The amount of dopamine that went through me when I would find a new use to a tool I had been using for hours, is quite possibly unmatched.

Absolutely a gaming experience that I shall never forget, and I cannot wait to see what BIGMODE publishes next, if this is their standard for quality.

14 days ago

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