Wow, this is seriously one of the greatest games I’ve played into a long time! Felt like a mix between Spirited Away and Coraline; except it was 10x more terrifying and had me on the edge of my seat in certain parts. This was brimming with atmosphere, and the art style was fantastic, and most importantly the world built in this game was ridiculously dark and one that can really be delved into it you look at theories online.

Overall this is one of the better games I’ve played in recent memory and was an experience I’ll never forget!

The final game in the series happens to be my favourite, I think it’s almost a perfect game; the graphics in this still blow me away and the story is better than most movies; the gameplay is greatly improved in this and the shooting is so satisfying. I can’t wait to replay this game!

Another great game in this franchise, probably has the best set pieces out of the series with some crazy scenes but I’d say 2 is a bit better than this one due to the story, this one still has a great story but not on the level of the second, still an amazing game though!

Improves in every aspect over the first, this is one of the best games I’ve ever played - the story is so engaging, the graphics are great, the gameplay is really fun and you get very attached to the characters. This game showed to me that when it comes to narratives in gaming, Naughty Dog are right at the top of the list: such an amazing game.

The first one is the weakest in my opinion and has definitely aged but this is overall still a great start to the franchise, the writing and story is really good for a video game and the voice acting is top notch! The weakest part of this game is the lack of variety in gameplay and the shooting mechanics themselves are nothing special but the story and characters are very good in this!