A world that can only be described as Silent Hill if the Otherworld was designed by Zdzislaw Beksinski, presented like Control, but does it live up to the sum of it's parts?

The puzzles are as good as they need to be and no better, the writing and voice acting is just fine, all the environments are... kinda varied?
It's split world premise is really cool and well utilised in big portions of the game, but sometimes they change the way it functions, sometimes just using the mirror system from Silent Hill Origins to travel between the mortal world and other world.
The story is engaging enough but lacking. Honestly that could describe the whole game, Engaging enough but lacking, it doesn't quite achieve it's enormous potential.

But let's take a step back, other than being published by Microsoft, this was made by a relatively small game, and is still at the scale of an indie title, this is a hugely impressive game that Bloober Team deserves celebration for this game, And I very much enjoyed my time with it, and it really scratched an itch I had for a game with a unique visual selling point.
I want to rate this half a star higher but I just can't bring myself to do it.

Reviewed on Jan 30, 2021


3 years ago

If it's published by Microsoft, has the production value that it does, rangled in a big industry composer to do its soundtrack, is voice-acted, KILLS high end GPUs and even the latest console hardware.... it is not the scale of an indie game. And it's not an indie game because it's published by MS. Not gonna clap for Bloober.

3 years ago

The size of the team that made it is definitely the size of an inide game, the final product stacking up to AAA titles is literally defending my point that it's an impressive feat.