Many years ago, I was told by a friend who was a contributor (or at least was following) to the fan translation of the original version of this game, that it was kinda mediocre. That always stuck in the back of my head, until I was able to play it, as part of the collection on the Switch.

Well, unfortunately, they weren't wrong.

I like the setting and the characters and the whole premise, and so I did not by any means not enjoy my time with it, but man, this game is a great example of Nintendo style Baby Mode difficulty. The mysteries are sometimes almost comically simplified, and you will come to expect that if anything seems difficult to figure out, sure enough some Deus Ex Machina level piece of evidence with an obvious clue will get put into your lap. I know it's kind of silly to talk about the "difficulty" of a visual novel, but boy, what little difficulty you can bake into this kind of game seems like it was set with the intention for no one to ever get stuck.

This game has made me wonder whether Ace Attorney 7 has been in a state of mostly-unannounced-but-not-denied development for so long (7 years as of writing, I believe, since a new game has been released...!) because they are starting from the ground up with the gameplay. I think that would be nice.

My only other complaint is that they should have waited until 2023 to develop and release these games, so that Sherlock Holmes would have been in the public domain, and so they wouldn't have had to change their names. Herrlock Sholmes as a name sucks so bad.

Reviewed on May 20, 2024
