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While i personally enjoyed this game more than Path of Radiance and consider the story slightly better overall part 1 gets really affected from not being a full game as we don't really see a lot of Daein's suffering honestly

after chapter 3 the whole "Daein is getting fucked over by Begnion after losing the war!" is gone and is replaced with a liberation arc that is nowhere near as good as the one in Path of Radiance i wish they explored more of that honestly the first 2 parts get hurt for being too short due to the game being multiple parts the second not as much but like with Daein we need to see more of the chaos in Crimea

The story takes a MASSIVE quality leap once you enter part 3 but imagine the confrontations with the Dawn Brigade if instead of just having a glipse at what got them there and how they sufferd we got to see a good amount of their struggle to live after the war

regardless as villains the Dawn Brigade and the new Daein work fantastically BUT yeah they could been better seeing how patriotism puts good people like Sothe Micaiah Nolan and the poor innocent idealistic Edward to assist a nation they DESPISED in genocide just becouse their loyality to Daein would been so good instead we got the blood pact puting Daein as "they are forced to" wich is much less interesting than "they are good people but they blindly serve their country" we see Micaiah reflect on that in one base conversation saying that "she doesn't care if she gets compared to the Ashnard she will fight for Daein anyways"

chapter 3-12 is one of my favorites becouse it shows how the war is changing Micaiah to the point of doing somthing as fucked up as almost burning an army in a trap (wich i don't know about war much but im pretty sure thats a war crime) Micaiah's patritism is toxic and it's turning her into a horrible person becouse in her mind Daein is above everything and thats amazing imagine if they went further with it instead of using the blood pact as an excuse to make her look like the good girl still? they could have made her arc in part 4 growing out of that and learning to stop fighting for a country and instead fight for it's people no longer blindly following what her king and country say but instead what she knows and feels is right

is honestly such a waste of potential to both not show us more of Daein suffering (and Crimea's conflict but that a little less) and also the blood pact making Daein "still good guys tho!" when fighting good people that are too patriotic to a sick degree i would have rather if they went with the direction

i will say tho asides from the Dawn Brigade problems part 3 is perfect and absolute kino part 4 has even less flaws my main problems storywise is the wasted potential of the Dawn Brigade outside of that is peak fiction

the difficulty maps wepons and overall gameplay is so much better in this game is more fun than Path of Radiance and the game is mad fun team building and strategy are way more engaging and hard

also Ike and Soren are even gayer so everything is forgiven except for Micaiah being a shit lord 4.5/5

Reviewed on Mar 11, 2023

1 Comment

1 year ago

Micaiah bad Ike good