Unfortunately, this game is not better than its predecessor, but still is a good game, so I recommend you wait for it to drop in price since it has a shit ton of bugs, an obscene amount of it.

Pros: For me, the story is just as good if not better in some ways than ZD, and because of how ZD is, the story in this game needed to be different and they accomplished it really well;
The new characters are really good, in contrast to the complete robots in ZD;
New inventory/deposit system is fantastic;
OST is great;
The secundary missions usually have a good plot/likeable characters in them, making them enjoyable;
Flying is super fun;
The new gigantic machines are awesome;
The bow is not the only good weapon in the game;
Fast travel is now really easy to do.

Cons: The combat animations in this game suck ass, her climbing, stealth takedowns, small machines attacks, its really distracting;
The game give you awful rewards for everything you do, and because of that it does not reward you for exploring;
Human combat still is really bad;
Even though they remade the melee combat, its still awful, its only fun in the beginning but after a few hours it starts to get annoying;
The new skill trees are extremely bad, not many good skills to have;
The game is bugged to hell;
Upgrading weapons and armor of high rarity is impossible without farming;
Machine parts that you need to upgrade weapons and armor have physics, THATS STUPID, they can literally fly away the machine just touches it.

Reviewed on Mar 01, 2022
