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GabsOFlores finished BioShock Infinite: The Complete Edition
"We swim in different oceans but land on the same shore."

as much as every BioShock game is fascinating, it does feel like Infinite is on a league of its own. such an ambitious, narrative driven sequel that flips the script in every way. while i miss some of the aspects of the first two titles, it's indeniable that this is a first rate shooter still, thrilling from beginning to end.

kinda shocking how head-on this game tackles period racism and religious hypocrisy, even though it ends in a pretty centrist and non-commited position. it does bear remembering that it tells it story through Booker's eyes, and Booker's pretty far from being a good person by any means. so when he says "there's nothing different between Comstock and Fitzroy" he's pretty much conforming to his own moral deficit.

after this game, the BioShock series can be everything and anything at all, and i honestly think that's wild.

11 days ago

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13 days ago

GabsOFlores finished BioShock 2 Remastered
"Love is just a chemical. We give it meaning by choice."

while it has just as much of a political commentary as the original, what i find fascinanting about Bioshock 2 is what it has to say about parenthood and identity.

top notch level design, especially considering how much more vertically you're able to explore rapture this time around.

got frustrated by a couple of encounters but as a whole the gameplay is even more smooth than the first one, making good use of the fact you're playing with a walking tank.

14 days ago

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