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Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

December 21, 2023

First played

December 12, 2023

Platforms Played

Library Ownership


I have always preferred Bioshock and Bioshock 2 over Infinite and before getting into the Complete Edition yet again (third time playing), I had pretty iffy feelings about the game. I don't think how I feel about Infinite changed after playing it as I still think it's terrible Bioshock game, but I could appreciate it for some things. I think the graphics are quite lovely and I love the atmosphere and aesthetic! I also really enjoyed Elizabeth this time around <3. Other than that? This game was just so mind numbingly boring and the story attempts to be clever but it just feels like it's trying too hard. Plasmids were ass (I used like three and rest of them felt useless) and every area was just shooting gallery after shooting gallery. I'm glad I did finally finish it, but I don't see myself returning to the game ever again.

I also played through the both episodes of Burial at Sea and let me tell you, I went into them expecting something life changing, just as Den of Minerva was as people have been praising Burial at Sea for years. What I got was just...boring and it didn't really make me feel in any way. I do blame myself for having high expectations, but come on, that was it? Yeah it was nice to return to Rapture but I felt like you just went back and forth areas trying to look for items. They attempted to explain some lore behind the original Bioshock but I mostly felt that it didn't add anything to it and all I could think was the saying "wide as an ocean, deep as a puddle". It had some good ideas, but I think it just needed a different structure and more linear levels.