I finally beat this shit. Full disclosure, I got the "bad ending" so I didn't fight Sword Saint or whatever comes after The Owl. But I'm counting it complete. 99% of the time I hated my life playing this but the 1% where I entered the combat flow state is the best a game has ever felt. I wanted to finally beat this before Elden Ring and it only took me a full year of very slow progress. I think this is the last game at this difficulty I'll play until I'm retired or something. When Elden Ring comes out I plan on summoning people for every fight and volunteering my time helping others. I can't do this shit anymore. But I'm glad I did.

Reviewed on Feb 09, 2022


2 years ago

I couldn't get past the ape

2 years ago

The ape was tough but Genichiro was the hardest for me. The first time I killed him and realized there's another phase to the fight I nearly spiked my controller. I also had a super tough time with some of the random minibosses that are just sitting out in the world. Like I spent more time on the Chained Ogre and that samurai guy immediately after him (in the beginning of the game) than I did on the ape.

2 years ago

Got I hated Genichiro I spent like a week trying to beat him. When all his moves finally clicked though and I was just dancing around him and blocking everything and finally beat him it was some of the most rewarding gaming I've done in a long time