This is the closest a video game has ever come to emulating a tabletop RPG experience for me. The tabletop rules don't feel too constricting either. I felt like my character was good at the things he was supposed to be good at, and that another run with a different build would yield much different results. You're progressing through a set narrative, but there's so much choice available in dialogue options that the experience felt varied. The writing is excellent as well, which makes the dialogue a real treat.

That's a good thing considering it's the vast majority of your activity in the game. If you don't like reading, this game is not for you. A bit of the dialogue is spoken, but the voice acting is average to bad. They got the Chapo guys to do voices for a few different characters and they are just not good voice actors at all. I hope the next game from this studio has a higher budget and more spoken lines from good voice actors. It would have added quite a bit to my immersion in this game.

Still though, a well-written CRPG that pulls no punches thematically and gives you a wide range of role-playing possibilities as you wind your way through the mystery.


Reviewed on Jan 26, 2021

1 Comment

3 years ago

Agreed on the Chapo voice acting not being great, but I loved the way Felix screamed "PIGFUCK!"