I greatly appreciate the uniqueness of this interactive novel game, and I'm very glad I had the experience of playing. But my interest waned over time as the story changed. For the first half I didn't want to stop playing, but about 3/4 of the way through I shelved the game and didn't pick it up again until about 6 months later when I was on a mission to complete games on my backlog that I'd "almost" completed. I'm glad I did because the ending was satisfying and there was a nice surprise in store (won't give it away so as not to spoil), but I wish the game had been more consistently engaging from beginning to end. I cared about the characters in the beginning, but that diminished greatly in the second half, which made the game far less engaging. Good story and your dialogue choices and actions matter and have consequences. Very nice visuals with hand-drawn art style. Recommended to start - but I can't promise you will want to reach rolling credits.

Reviewed on Aug 24, 2023
