1 review liked by Ganja

defies all laws of the universe because nothing should be this good.. even heroin gives you diarrhea. I'm new to this site but I know we all like to write essays about themes of capitalism or some stuff but I'm just here to talk about how awesome this is ... first up is the atmosphere. You are evil because you kill people and the whole game feels like it. There's an air of sinisterness throughout everything and it's perfect; especially in places like the suburb, even there feels like it's evil. Why? You're there and your evil music is playing. Jesper Kyd is a god and every time I do an action and it progresses the level and the music kicks in I go bananas! I like the new games but they feel so sanitized and they try to make 47 and the ICA to be a super spy hero to the point where it feels like the new games are made as a resume to get the James Bond IP. This has the perfect balance of feeling evil and being a silly sandbox killing game where you can dress as a bird and headbutt people. The gameplay hits that perfect balance of just passing the point of jank. Like it's very smooth and playable, and since I've been playing this game before I could talk and replaying it every day, I probably don't have much ground to stand on but it's very smooth, the controls while very contextual and somewhat controller oriented and tiny on high resolutions, work well and I never had to rebind. I actually rebound the new hitman trilogy to have the controls of this game so that's gotta say something.
Soul: 5/5
Awesomeness: 5/5
Gameplay: 5/5
Overall: 5/5