So... ah, was "Lord Bassoon" trademarked, or what? Guys, you were making a FAN TRANSLATION, with all the 20/20 hindsight, after the fact, "I experienced a popular culture in North America" that comes with it. THIS WAS A CHOICE.

Otherwise a wonderful game. It's like Ico except I found myself shouting "will you stop doing that and get over here, you dumb bitch?!" a lot less this time.

Confirmed #bats

Reviewed on Apr 16, 2024


13 days ago

i streamed this with jenny a whiiiiles ago and i was screaming when that name popped up

13 days ago

@magneticburn There is a 100% chance it would be my name if I were a SoundCloud rapper or DJ

13 days ago

hmm, i love super nintendo... and cock!!