If you really have to play this series, it is best done on the Turbograx CD. However, there is no English translation for the first and the fourth. It absolutely does not matter. What, you mean you’re here for the story? Girl is given a magic sword and a magic Princess Leia slave costume to save the realms from sinister bishonen dudes? Grow up. If you want literature, go read a book

Reviewed on Apr 27, 2022


1 year ago

The trailer for the MSX version was directed by Hideaki Anno and you do kill your best friend in the story, it would be cool to see if there was more to the friendship than just facing each other but I don't understand Japanese.

If you want literature, go read a book? Dude, your favourite game and my favourite game is Earthbound which is about some kids battling an alien and it is deeper than most literature I have read 😂

1 year ago

Thank you for telling me, I didn’t know hideaki anno directed the trailer. I hate hideaki anno’s writing

1 year ago

But come on, Anno's Gunbuster had some haha big bouncy boob girls which is the bait for simple minded otaku yet it has some really touching explorations about military duty and interpersonal relationships across time. It's not on the level of a Bergman or a Lynch film, but it already says there's some interesting things buried under the scantily clad girls 😂

1 year ago

It wasn't made by Anno, my bad (I played this a long time ago and must have heard a rumor), it was made by the people behind Project Ako (which I still haven't seen and can't tell you if it's deep behind its parodic elements like Gunbuster), but I still stand by what I say about Anno's OVA