One of the most well-written games for the sneese I ever played. Just about every line was either genuinely funny or else completely fine. It’s also saying something when it introduces a fat crybaby dipshit in the beginning and at first I don’t hate him, then I kinda like him, and then I say to myself dang, it’s really been a while since I’ve used Mallow, hasn’t it?

I love it whenever Mario pantomime speaks, especially when he turns into other characters! The snes is the best console for Mario because it’s not powerful enough yet to do his screechy Italian voice, which I never really cared for, which means the only way it can handle Mario communicating is by far the the most creative I’ve ever seen. In a much cooler universe this is how he’d always talk, instead of it’sa me etc. When in doubt, don’t record voice acting for your rpg.

I’m also glad that several characters ask Mario to prove that he is Mario, and he does so by performing his signature jump. The jump is treated like a uniquely Mario trait in the mushroom kingdom. Neat! It pleases me that, while in other games of the action/platforming genre it is a given and taken for granted, this game acknowledges how incredibly strange it is that someone can jump that high on command, and without a running start to boot.

Kinda fucked up though that Luigi is relegated to a strictly instruction-manual guide role and does not function in the main story whatsoever. So an out gay man who clearly knows how to play the game can tell you how to play in the manual, on the sidelines, but not anywhere visible in the mushroom kingdom, and instead such an important task like that simply HAS to be performed by his heterosexual brother? Textbook queer erasure, but what are you gonna do, it was the mid-nineties.

Reviewed on Apr 28, 2022
