Amazing Beat 'Em Up, with incredible depth.

This is hands down the best beat em up I have ever played... I am an invenerate button-masher, good enough to pull off some sofa-wins here and there, but never good enough to feel like I have MASTERED the game.
But this game has taught me to REALLY pay attention to the moves I'm making, what the enemy is trying to do, and how I can block and avoid all, or some, of it, to wait for my time to strike.
There is an undercurrent - and for that matter, a good bit of martial arts wisdom - running through SIFU: "take your time, be aware, be patient, THINK before you STRIKE"...
It is something I have never felt as strongly in other games:
SIFU teaches you early on that, YES, you WILL DIE, often, but you will learn something from each death - moves you unlock through XP, or pitfalls to avoid when facing a particular enemy; but first of all, it will teach you to RISE, ready to beat them with your new-found knowledge. Or with patterns for the bosses, and the, often way worse, and more annoying, mini-bosses; Having seen all the mooks, the game will continually set you up with new enemies, to parry and dodge, even if they bring their nasty leg-sweeps against you.
SIFU is an ongoing experience. You will discover more moves, be frustrated by new bosses, and will hit 'RESTART' like it is a racing game... to just try 'one more time', to get that perfect round, the one with 0 deaths and age 20, or to just beat that asshole boss in stage 2.
All of it was amzing, and moreover, felt like the Kung-Fu movie this game was meant to emulate.