Replayed it today for it's 5th anniversary, and I just gotta speak my peace about this game. To me, it's a masterpiece. No, it's a miracle. Growing up on Super Mario 64 made me CRAVE for another game in the same vein, which Galaxy and Galaxy 2 didn't deliver in my opinion. When Super Mario Odyssey was announced, I cried tears of joy. When it released I cried tears of joy. When I played it for the first time on Christmas Morning, 2017, I wept.

Here I am, five years later, and I teared up at the opening title screen. The Cascade Kingdom Music, the First Moon, the Odyssey taking flight... it returned to me all of the overwhelming emotions I felt in 2017. The endless amount of fun, creativity, beauty, and charm that this game has, is unmatched in my gaming experiences, and there will never be a point where I get tired of this game. It's just perfect. Happy Birthday you beautiful fucking game.

Reviewed on Oct 28, 2022
