An incredibly solid game from start to finish. Tank controls with strafing does take some time to adjust to, but once you do, the gameplay is very quick and runs smoothly. Locking onto enemies is snappy so battles never feel like a struggle trying to keep track of what you're doing.

Visuals are gorgeous with a lot of flat shading/texture work to make it looks more like an anime in 3D. Clever use of low draw distances for dungeons, and unique textures for them as well. The animations and cutscene work are also solid if very simple.

Sound design is no slouch either, music is catchy and memorable voice acting is top notch for its time, and the ambience in this game is hauntingly beautiful.

Really my major complaints just come down to controls and it's difficulty is a bit all over the place.

That said this might be one of the best gems on the PS1 and I still very much adore and enjoy it. It does what it needs to well, and doesn't really get held back too bad for it.

Reviewed on May 06, 2023
