Easily the worst game I’ve played this year so far. Very questionable and outdated video game.

I’ll get straight to the point, this game sucks hard. So overall gunplay works but the actual gameplay itself is either broken or just flat out boring. I have a high tolerance for bugs but man the glitches in this game made it WAY too easy but at the same time it’s unfair. It’s easy because you’ll encounter enemies (human or vampire) that make no sense. Some people are just randomly floating in mid air for no reason and some don’t even react to you when standing right in front of them. And if they do react all they do is run back and forth all clueless while trying to shoot you but they miss most of the time which made this game way too easy with no fun. It’s also unfair because I had times where I got jumped by a group of vampires and if you take too long to defeat all of them they can revive and kill you out of nowhere. Not only that but some vampires would just randomly despawn with their attacks and power positioned in the spot where they despawned. And HOLY COW the boss fights are a joke. I was disappointed because they’re just as brainless as the rest of the enemies in this game. I also had a bug where some buttons wouldn’t respond and the only thing that fixed it for me is by closing the game and starting it up again. The gameplay is questionable and inconsistent and I hated it. Graphics are just okay but the visuals let down the graphics A LOT. There’s pop in and textures take their sweet ass time to load in right in front of you. Exploration wasn’t worth it either. Exploring is one of my favorite things to do in video games and I couldn’t even enjoy the scenery because there really isn’t much beauty in this game due to visual problems and not much exciting stuff to see anyway. Redfall is such a bland video game, what I mean by that is this game offers almost no diversity in how to complete objectives. The entire game is pretty much run around, shoot a few enemies, find a key, maybe shoot another enemy, unlock a door and move on. Redfall offers a bloated experience with no innovation to make the gameplay worth my time. There’s also side quests as well that literally play out just like main quests and I didn’t even know when is was nearing the end of the video game because of it.

And the story…..
The story is barely even present in Redfall. The way the story is portrayed is by a series of slideshows with paintings and a voiceover to tell the story, other than that there’s not a single cutscene. The dialogue was cringe and voice acting sounded so awkward. There’s nothing at all to enjoy the story, better yet there no reason to even be remotely interested in the story. The characters weren’t likeable in any way. They just say a few lines throughout the story and that’s it. They don’t have a narrative for me to pay attention to and had no attachment to any of them. You can’t even directly interact with NPCs, they say some nonsense of wanting help and assume you want to help with no context.
It’s pathetic that there’s not much story and when there is they rush it or make it so uninteresting so I simply just stopped caring about the story early on in Redfall.

It’s very obvious Arkane rushed this game after Deathloop. This really isn’t the kind of game that should be releasing today. This is the kind of game that shouldn’ve came out in the late 2000s or early 2010s and it’s sad that I even have to say that because Arkane made far greater games around that time unlike how Redfall turned out in 2023. The gameplay is awful, the story was handled poorly and even with all the bugs and glitches out of the way this pretty much is an outdated video game for today’s world. I don’t recommend Redfall for anyone, this game really was just a waste of my time.

Reviewed on May 10, 2023
