No cap on a stack I get the Message they where Ju's trying to send with this game yo but Deadass this Shit doesn't fly Nintendon't be getting their facts straight but all in all decent video game, it's Fly.

The Parallels with Whack your Personal computer and Pulling off and dumping a 800 hit combo on a Dumbfuck Virus.
scythe girl is moe

This Right here, The messiah or bodhi (awakening) of Something Deep inside of me the if not the Peak of writing but appreciation of art & Elina Elina Elina Elina Elina Elina Elina Elina Elina Elina Elina Elina Elina Elina Elina Elina Elina Elina Elina Elina Elina Elina Elina Elina Elina Elina Elina Elina Elina Elina Elina Elina Elina Elina

F***k MORALS Kill forgive and murder people

This game probably by far the best and Fun gameplay that has ever existed Pure ADHD a speedruners Dream While the story feels lacking it makes up with well Done flashy Characterization Heaven setting really gives the Writer and Designer to Do what they want and this is a perfect example of a Goat Game.

Now normally for a Falcom Title i would pull the Funny about the game but im just blown away before starting this i found myself at the brink of not caring after going trough 9 titles This one just did everything right Beginning to end one giant goodbye to a long saga and another Beginning looking forward to what is to come of this series
Kondo sir 🫡