hey guys, i have some questions. i heard that your community is kind of the cockroaches of the Vns. Meaning you are impossible to kill. This chuuni Doomer Vn came out in 2009 and Even if all ways of reading it would die you would just make a Denny's bathroom-Groupread with your phones. So tell me. Why do you still Read this Visual novel even though its nearly 12 years old? Is it the Prose? The cast? The S*X? Or are you just a meathead wagie?

🎵drugs drugs🎵 AYO TURN THAT SHIT UP CHARLES” And I am still wondering who is Charles????

In the world there are 7.4 billion people, but also in the United States there are 2.4 million people named Charles. So now that we’ve narrowed it down lets look at Orlando, Florida where Dream lives. Out of the 2.4 million Charles’ there are only 700 living in Orlando Florida and out of those 700 there realistically could only be 7 people he could be talking about because there are around 100 regions where Dream could be in that another Charles could be in and out of those 7 people the average white male (Dream) in this case only interacts with in a day is 4 so there could only be about 2 Charles he is talking about and the average human usually knows 3 Charles in there lifetime which leads us into this endless math loop so chances are he saw a Charles at some point whilst outside (unless hes scared to go outside haven’t seen the light in ages) then his brain remembered the name and when going to think of someone to use whilst tweeting he said Charles From the True Realm.

Miyazaki if He Didn't suck at his job :

I Will update this as i go since it's a (Gacha Game) finished good half of Vol 3 rest will follow
i Can now say that this is The Greatest Game Ever made cant put into words but this Really is the Story of their Youth Even with all the Hiccups That happened along the way story wise it's a Perfect Rep of what makes a Person a person I LOOOOOVE KASUMI

Bingus Charlotte And The Sploinky crazy grotesque Funny Floppa Schizo Adventures

This is gonna be my 2024 Mindset


WIFI Is OK if you're close to the router.

She Egged on my roll call that a End Roll

a Case study on Stockholm syndrome Shows that this game Sucks ass

be Me Wake up take 30 minutes to prepare the car
Cunny enters the Garage, Panic it vanishes begin driving
drive start thinking about things
Drive more
Crash into a pole