(Heads up: this review is based on the Legendary Edition of the game)

This was my first time playing Mass Effect and it was pretty good. The world-building was fantastic. All the aliens and history it managed to produce were phenomenal. Exploring the vast galaxy was also fun. The story itself was good. Not great, but still enjoyable overall. The companions in this game are okay. I loved learning about their background or their respective species, but they weren't that memorable outside of a few quips here and there. The gun gameplay was pretty fun. I like how it isn't mindless shooting. You have to put strategy first and foremost in your playthrough. Not everything was smooth sailing though. There were times when I would try to peek around the cover I was hidden behind and Shepard wouldn't do that (don't know if it's the controls or I'm just stupid). The vehicle controls weren't that good. It was very slick. There were times the lighting was a problem and I could barely see where I was going. This is just a nitpick, but I wasn't overly impressed with the game's soundtrack. It's not bad by any means, just rather forgettable. It wasn't until near the end of the game that a music score finally caught my attention. As a whole, this game was an enjoyable experience. It serves as a great step into a larger universe, despite some flaws.

Reviewed on Aug 21, 2022
