The best R&C game as of 2023. The main draw is definitely the story that was brilliantly set up during Tools of Destruction and executed perfectly in A Crack in Time. Azimuth is one of the first characters with actual depth and layers introduced in the series (excluding Ratchet and Clank themselves), which was surprising coming from the R&C series, known for its simple plot and characters. The game also deviates from its original, linear system to a more open world game which I enjoyed. Unfortunately though, the game did have to sacrifice its famous comedy for a more serious story. At the end, it did pay off with the tremendous amounts of development occurring to Ratchet and Clank and their dynamic/relationship.
Gameplay wise, the game is amazing. Tons of new weapons to try out., the puzzles were simple but in a good way and the game never got too hard which was a re-occurring problem I had playing the series. Planets were decently fun with tons of collectibles and secret areas but I do feel they could be better. On the other hand though, Clank's sections were way more fun compared to its predecessors.
Overall, this game was everything I expected it to be. It had to make some sacrifices but they were definitely worth it in the long run.

Reviewed on Aug 02, 2023
