Ragnarok improves upon the 2018 game in a lot of really strong ways. Enemy variety is way more pronounced, loot rarity has been removed so that the RPG mechanics are allowed to breathe, and the plot has a stronger forward momentum.

However, this only goes to show how the foundation that this game was built upon was rough. The combat is better, but the camera is still a constant issue. In most cases, I found it to actually be worse than in 2018. Additionally, the games lack of any meaningful gameplay outside of combat makes the campaign much harder to fully experience. Eventually I just got bored and turned down the difficulty from hard to normal.

All in all, this games achievements outnumber it's missteps. I'm sure that part of my struggle of finishing this game was because I started near immediately after replaying the first. In the end though, I think it was worth the time I spent with it.

Reviewed on Jan 15, 2023
