Comix Zone 1995

Log Status






Time Played


Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

June 17, 2003

Platforms Played


Probably the first instance of a video game portraying an analog about how an artist wants to fuck the things they draw.

I remember the first time I played Comix Zone. I was at a cousin's place for the weekend, and they had a Genesis with a mess of games. I thought the cartridge art on it looked cool, and popped it in.

I spent about 5-6 hours dying and replaying over and over again, until I eventually learned so much of its mechanics, secrets, and challenges. I managed to beat it, even attaining the "good" ending. As the credits rolled, I simply went "that stunk." And simply moved on. It's weird how much we dealt with crap when we were kids.

I occasionally revisit the game, only to be reminded that it's a clunky 2D brawler full of inconsistencies and irritating design. I respect the presentation, to a degree, I think the comic book style is pretty well done. Sound effects are nice and punchy too, as a Genesis game should be. I just don't see why it's revered as much as it is, as I don't find it fun to play at all.