Log Status






Time Played


Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

November 10, 2006

First played

November 8, 2006

Platforms Played


Among the entire Metal Slug library, this is the best game made without the original team. Unlike the last two games, Metal Slug 6 doesn't appear to be severely rushed or crippled from underbudgeting. The enemy variety is large, the stages are lengthy and interesting, there's actually a couple branching paths, and the new weapons are fun to use!

There are also the attributes tied to individual characters which made replays more interesting. The lowest points, however, would be the venues, backdrops, and music. The backgrounds are these ugly paintings instead of crisp pixel art like it always was before this, and the music is either droll, or too busy as it's aped as a remix of a previous song.

Overall, this is leagues better than 4 and 5, but doesn't quite capture the tight design of 1, X, and 3. They just don't have it in them to make something as remarkable as those, but that's okay! This is still not bad.