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Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

October 22, 2002

Platforms Played


The only other taxi game in existence that isn't called Crazy Taxi. Other ones probably do exist, but I've never heard of any besides Smashing Drive. Even so, it doesn't play like Crazy Taxi, having a much more linear design and objective. Basically there's only 3 main courses, with their own tracks, and it's up to you to figure the best way to go while seeing the giant upgrade bubbles on display.

The game basically encourages you to try going for any alternate route you can find, as your "competitor" bot takes the boring route, but that's mostly a non-issue as the time is your real enemy. Alternate routes usually help you reach your destination at a faster time, and they're also the more exciting paths as well.

Not too much to say about the game in general. It's alright to play, but nothing too remarkable either. The soundtrack has this weird alt-techno/rock vibe that sounds insanely y2k. I think this game was trying to depict a taxi cab of the future, but even that I'm not sure about.