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Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

November 24, 1999

Platforms Played


A great successor that expanded on concepts and presentation while doing some globetrotting! The House Of the Dead 2 is likely the most popular entry in the series, and that's for good reason! It's fun, fast-paced, and is teeming with a fun art style and sound design, it's always a blast to play! While SEGA was having trouble in the console department, their output in the arcade scene showed no signs of slowing down!

Of course, I can't forget that the goofy voice-acting helped make this a memorable experience as well. It's hard to say if it was lack of direction or something else, but there's mysterious sense of endearment coming from it. It almost alleviates the dreary and gory zombie-slaying experience to make it more charming and funny.

I can't wait for this to also get a garbage-ass remake.