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Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

June 25, 2000

Platforms Played


Twisted Metal 3 and 4 are two peas in a smelly pod. They are both equally shoddy games with equally hideous presentation. I'm convinced they were made around the same time, or with the exact same people. Granted, each game only had a number of months to be complete so for what it's worth, that in itself is impressive.

The only thing this has over the 3rd title is that the gameplay is slightly refined. Controlling cars feels a little less like shit, and flipping yourself over has no recovery frames. They likely listened to feedback regarding how people took the 3rd game back in the day and tried to improve it . . . nice job on that count.

Unfortunately, the gameplay feels just as monotonous and the stage design is still lacking, perhaps I just don't like these whimsical styles they went for. Things like the carnival, the kid's room, and even the Aztec arena feel more aligned with a Disney skateboarding game, not Twisted Metal.

The characters are also hideous with really underwhelming endings, the one thing that's revered more than anything else regarding this franchise. Frankly, I'm surprised Twisted Metal 3 and 4 are ranked as highly as they are on this website. I can't help but think narrow-minded nostalgia has a strong hand here. I was single digits when these games came out, guys. I was there too. It still sucked.