A very cool 1v2+ multiplayer horror game that's unbelievably janky--due to the dev team being tiny--but has so many great ideas and plenty of heart.

For what they made here, it was pretty well-balanced, although it won't seem like such when the monster ends up mowing you down. The game heavily encourages you to work together as a team, it was great for those sessions I hung out with friends online in our ventrilo-esque server.

Playing as the monster was pretty fun too, and each one had a pretty unique style (although the Grudge girl knockoff was probably the easiest to win with).

I wouldn't really argue with someone that doesn't like the game or just think it plays like absolute shit or can't get over the glitches and server errors that occur. They're probably right. But I definitely have a soft spot for the hours me and a handful of friends drained on this. Unfortunately, most of them moved on to Dead By Daylight, and I hate that lifeless pile of shit.

Reviewed on Jun 08, 2022
