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February 8, 2024

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I’ve been meaning to play through the Spark the Electric Jester games at some point, and of course it’s reasonable to start out with the first game. I’m not too knowledgeable about the series, but I know that this is the only game in the series that’s a 2D platformer, so it’s rather unique in comparison to the other games. That being said, I had an absolute blast playing this game for the first time. It had a couple rough moments, but overall this game was great.

First and obviously, I love this game’s speed. It’s a simple thing to compliment, but I really think this game’s speed feels so good. Some sections in levels were definitely difficult due to how Spark moves, but most of the game felt amazing. When you’re just moving at high speeds, blasting through the level and doing loops, it just feels amazing. There’s something really satisfying about it that I wish I could better describe.

I also really adore how Spark plays as well. Of course, Spark is ridiculously fast, but there’s more to his moveset that I really like. To add to his speed is a dash, which just feels really nice. As well, depending on what power up you have, you’ll be able to double jump, or air dash, which of course just adds so much more. And there’s so much in the realm of combat as well. This as well can change depending on what power ups you have. You have basic combos, directional attacks, and charge attacks as well. I found that the charge attacks can also impact movement, sometimes boosting you further in the air. Spark’s moveset is really fun.

And man, the powerups are really fun. As said prior, they can change Spark’s movement, or what attacks he has, and this is all really fun. This isn’t to mention that you can hold two power ups and alternate between them, which allows for so many options, especially as some powerups have unique movement options. I think my favorite ones plaything throughout the game were Wind, Cool, Hammer, and Magical especially. I also noticed some really interesting interactions between some power ups and the levels themselves. Primarily I noticed that cool makes it so that you skate on top of the water, it was a nice touch that I really liked.

I didn’t realize how combat centric this game was. Particularly, nearly every level in the game had a boss fight, and many had 2, maybe even 3 bosses. And honestly, most of the bosses aren’t too difficult, though it does ramp up about halfway through the game. When the boss fights get hard, they were really fun. The speed of both Spark and the boss fights really makes the boss fights really tense in a good way. There were times specifically where the bosses didn’t have health bars of any kind, and I think those were some of my favorites due to the lack of knowing how close I was. I think because of that, the penultimate boss fight was my favorite in the entire game.

There’s a lot I really like with this game, and it’s a reminder to me that I need to play more 2D platformers. I wouldn’t say this game is perfect, but its absolutely fun. I would like to replay this game sometime in the future, there’s more modes that I didn’t play around with. I really would like to try the harder version of the main campaign especially. I can’t wait to play through the other Spark games, but this was an absolute great starting point.