What hasn't been said about this game? It's easily one of the best titles for the 3DS, and I really hope this game gets ported to the Switch, or whatever the next Nintendo System is.
The character writing is superb, even the minor characters who appear for 1-2 chapters are still really fun. I really love Viridi, Dark Pit, and ESPECIALLY Hades, but that's obviously. Boss fights are absolute fun, stages are all unique, and I love the flying sections so much. The weapons are really fun, and being able to create stronger weapons gives me the urge to play more, and try to get the best weapon possible. I played primarily on low difficulty, but I definitely wanna try on higher ones.
I can't see any sequel being able to live up on this game, this game is one of the few titles I can think of that are perfect through and through.

Reviewed on Feb 08, 2023
