I was so ready for this game to disappoint me. Seeing that first trailer for the game back when it was announced scared me. I had assumed I would not like the game based on that trailer alone. However, now finally having finished it, I actually really enjoyed the game.
If you're expecting another Three Houses, this isn't that. This is a cheesy and goofy game, one that oftentimes doesn't take itself seriously. Sure, not everyone would find that appealing, but I'm not one of those people, and I really enjoyed the silliness of this game.
The gameplay is easily the best part though. The Engage mechanic worked surprisingly well, not really breaking the balance of the game all that much. The Break mechanic was something I had to get used to first, but I really loved it at the end of the game. And all of the maps too were really fun, especially the further I got in, the more interesting and varied the maps became.
The story I was always assuming was going to be filled with twists and turns. But there barely were any, and in retrospect I'm actually glad about that. I'm so used to stories having constant plot twists and surprise reveals, that when a story comes in and barely has that, it's quite refreshing honestly.
So yeah, this game obviously isn't going to be for everyone, and that's fine. But I really enjoyed this game, and I'm glad I played it through to the end.

Reviewed on Feb 20, 2023
