This game is absolutely amazing.
The gameplay is far different than anything from a typical FPS, and I absolutely loved it. Sure, I had to get used to it at first, but the more I understood of how it was meant to be played, the more I loved it. I love going around locations, and solving puzzles. The game is oozing with so much style it's absolutely amazing.
I love the boss fights especially, the fact that they're far from the typical boss fight, but more thematic to the greater whole of Killer7 is amazing, and I wish more games did something of similar effect.
The story as well is one of, if not the best part of the game. It easily has some of the most thought provoking, theme rich, complex stories of any game that I have played, and I love it. Even though I think I have a good understanding of what this game's themes are, the fact that there's still stuff that I'm trying to wrap my head around is magnificent, and its rare for a game to really do that.
This game is without a doubt absolutely amazing. I've been meaning to play more of Suda51's work, as the only other game I've played of his is No More Heroes 1, and this game has motivated me to get to the rest sooner.

Reviewed on Mar 11, 2023
