I mean, what else do I have to say, it's fucking Breath of the Wild.
After all this time, aside from a small handful of things, I knew practically nothing about Breath of the Wild. And I have been meaning to play this game for a long time now, and only now I've finally gotten to. And this was one of the most just, memorable games I've played in a while.
To begin, easily my favorite aspect of this game is how just... open ended it is. Coming up with unique solutions to problems, or just somehow stumbling upon some of the most important items early on. I remember my friends being absolutely baffled by how I decided to try and solve puzzles, and how it actually worked. This Open Ended-ness of the game is absolutely addictive, and the more I played and experimented, the more I fell in love with the game.
I love the open world, and this game is probably the first like, fully open world game I've really played. I loved exploring, finding shrines, or any just secret little alcove. And because my brain isn't capable of comprehending a map this big, I always feel like I'm finding new things, it's amazing. I can't imagine ever 100%ing this game, there's just seemingly that much to do.
There's a few minor issues I had, I didn't care for a specific boss, the durability system could be a bit better, etc, etc. But the issues I had were drowned out by all of the positives, I haven't played them all, but this one has become my new favorite Zelda title by far. This is definitely a game I should've gotten to way sooner.

Reviewed on Apr 12, 2023
