I really loved playing through this game. It's been a while since I played a Mystery Dungeon, probably like 7-8 years at this point. And god, I forgot just how cozy these games are. Going through dungeons, interacting with pokemon, and the music especially just made me feel nice and safe, in a way. Not many games really give that cozy feeling, y'know?
I think for the case of this game in particular, I want to get my 1 (1) negative out of the way, because it's really just a personal thing. And that's that I think that this game just felt too short. And that's mainly because of how when I got to the end of the game I just thought, "damn. I wanted to play more! I don't want it to be over". But that's just a personal thing.
I can definitely see people not enjoying these games though, in a way, Pokemon Mystery Dungeon is baby's first roguelike. Sometimes you can just have the worst of luck in a dungeon, and I definitely had moments where I was unlucky. Suddenly stumbling upon a Monster House is one of the most stressful moments, and you'll never know until you've already activated it.
But there's so much that I love about how every dungeon is completely randomized. I don't think I'd call it infinite replayability, but it keeps every dungeon fresh, and you'll never just be autopilot-ing through every dungeon. And especially with the requests, there's much further motivation to go back to prior dungeons, which in a way, is how you also just grind for later parts of the game.
My experience is definitely a part of why I loved the game too. With the personality test, I ended up playing as a Bulbasaur, so the entire game was an uphill battle. Aside from one boss, I was weak to every single boss, so I had to figure out strategies to survive. I actively used the IQ and Tactics systems, which is something I never really do. It became really thrilling to surpass a challenge where I was at a clear disadvantage. I absolutely loved it.
I really loved my time finally playing the first game of this series after having played the rest. It's a surprisingly short, but absolutely cozy time.

Reviewed on May 20, 2023
