Having now just beat the game, my only thoughts can be surmised as a resounding "eh". I wouldn't say that Resident Evil 5 is a bad game, it's far from the worst experience I've had in a game. But let me be clear, at the end of the day, this game is just okay at best.
I think I can describe the gameplay in just a single sentence. It's just worse RE4. It basically repeat a lot of RE4, and changes some stuff to be worse, and for me, primarily the inventory system. RE4 introduced one of the best inventory systems in any game I played, and removing it in RE5 just felt wrong. As well, the boss fights were a mixed bag, either being pretty decent, to just somewhat annoying. I particularly hated the boss fight in 5-2.
And of course, the most notable thing about RE5 is the Co-Op. And I gotta say, for the portions of the game I was able to play in Co-Op was really fun! I played with some random individual, and it was a genuinely fun experience. We figured out ways of communicating, and were able to stay on the same page even though we couldn't talk to each other directly. It was easily the highlight of my time with the game. However, with that in mind, I can't recommend playing this game alone. The partner AI can be a little weird at times, especially when you're trying to manage inventory. The game is so much better with someone else playing with you.
Resident Evil 5 has one glaring issue with it though that just keeps it from being as good as other Resident Evil titles. There's a lack of overall substance that keeps this game from really being interesting to me. Barely anything really felt remarkable to me, and a lot really blurred together. Which makes it worse when the second half of the game (Specifically 4-1 to 5-3) dragged on for a while. And the game doesn't really have much of a style to substitute for its lack of substance. So aside from a few moments, this game just felt wholly unremarkable.
I don't hate Resident Evil 5, and I don't love it either. I had some fun, but ultimately this game just felt like one of the most average games I've ever played. I'm just glad I was able to punch that boulder.

Reviewed on Jun 21, 2023

1 Comment

11 months ago

I had a great time playing this game in coop with a friend, but I completely agree with everything you've said.