Metal Gear Solid 2 the successor of the genius title Metal Gear Solid created by the GOAT Hideo Kojima

First of all, Metal Gear Solid 2 emphasized the overall message of the first game, but it also incorporated a variety of different themes tied to it, making the overall experience unforgettable... and thats why Im here making this review

To be honest, the whole self-identity thing made me reconsider how my life is, how my environment impacts it, how others affect me, and how I view things.

MGS2 opened my eyes to the fact that we are shaped according to our environment; by the things that surround us; the whole point of recreating shadow moses in big shell and proving that anyone with the right circumstances is capable of embodying Solid snake totally proves how the environment is the most important factor in creating an identity.

Now the cool thing is that Raiden, me, you, the player in general is presented the possibility to use the environment as a push to actually shape yourself and create your own future

we pass the entire game doing something we do not even know anything about, living the life of someone we arent due to the environment we were set in but despite that we could use it to understand our own nature and use it as a factor to redefine ourselves.

MGS2 not only gives a perfect message on self identity but also in many things such as overcoming PTSD, accepting your past and moving on, antiwar ideals, mind control etc... theres plenty of beautiful concepts talked about in mgs2 that no other game could represent as well as kojima did.

IDFK if this interpretation of the game is correct but at least I perceived it this way

Thank you for reading this


Reviewed on Jan 07, 2024
