1 review liked by Gielinorian

I was hoping that I'd really love this game but everything about it was offputting. I put 6 hours into it, which I think is a fair shake. Let's start with the story and characters- pretty by the numbers. You have to investigate why a bunch of bad things is happening and animals are becoming monsters. Your two main characters seem to be your typical jrpg protagonists. The writing is pretty weird at times. There were a few instances during my play that I thought aloud "who the f*** wrote this?" For example, my two characters leave a house, say 2 sentences, then the owner of the house comes out and says something "oh, what are you guys still doing here?" I left a second ago! Minor gripe but there were a few other similar things.
The gameplay... was not up my alley. In my withering age (34) maybe AJRPGS just don't suit me. Sometimes your party can get completely buttfed in a matter of seconds. The game knows this and offers you a chance to retry the battle which is nice... but I'd rather not get repeatedly buttfed.

What I did like: the weird amount of customization and skills you can delve into. Random things like writing and art, however I don't fully know what benefits they give. I also liked the "private actions," which are entirely skippable bonding scenes between characters that can affect your ending. And finally the game is pretty.