I am incredibly late to the Skyrim party, I know, since I only picked it up a few months ago. This game is really great! But while playing it I realised something far less great, something not about the game but about myself...
I don't have time for this anymore.
It used to be that I could play games like BOTW, New Vegas, Minecraft or Terraria for days on end, becoming fully immersed in the world and my character, roleplaying as someone else entirely. After a few days of ceaseless enjoyment and wonder in this one though, I realised the time in my life where I could afford to play games like this is well and truly over. It is not that I do not enjoy video games anymore, far from it, rather I enjoy short and sweet experiences that leave me thinking about them long after they are over. Now when I play massive games with thousands of hours necessary, all I can regrettably feel is anxiety that I am wasting my life away.

I deeply resent not playing this sooner in my life. If only I had known this day would come...

Reviewed on Jun 19, 2023
