Absolutely brainteaser of a narrative that prodded me to question myself, my concepts of consciousness and gave me mild existential crisis at some points. It was the first game in which I needed to take a minute to actually consider the implications of a decision.

The atmosphere is perfect and a big positive if you're a fan of biomechanical horror. The expertly crafted environmental storytelling elements make learning about SOMA's plot a very enjoyable and fluid experience in what may be Frictional's best game in this department so far.

Curiously enough, it also has one of the worst gameplays of Frictional's titles. The monsters operate under very articifical and game-y conditions (the exploration is broken by clearly telegraphed "run and hide" sections and the creatures themselves follow a very on rails behavior).

I actually recommend playing SOMA on the alternate difficulty mode where monsters can't kill you, so you can appreciate the story at your own pace and read all the logs without feeling rushed.

Reviewed on Jan 25, 2024
