2 reviews liked by Glins

All that needs to be said about this game is that the most memorable thing about it is a YouTube video where the main character glitches into screaming his son's name over and over again, turning what should be the crux of the game into camp. Miserably self-serious.

I think this is my nominee for Average Game of the Year for 2019.

Things I loved:

+ The backgrounds are great to look at, especially further along in the game.
+ SOME bosses are interesting enough

...and that's really it.

There's a lot of stuff it does fine, but it also flubs things a bit because I feel like it's trying to be both a Metroidvania and a Soulslike game without really being strongly in either camp in a good way. I could write a long diatribe about prevailing issues with the game, but for how very average it felt, I feel like I'd rather just go play something else now, instead.