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Time Played

5h 0m

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As it is one of the last games for the SNES, it really gets everything out of the console technically, especially graphically. The sprites look fantastic and the levels are beautifully designed. The game also has no end of atmosphere, especially for an SNES game it was very dark. I really enjoyed the gameplay itself, and Firebrand's different abilities complement each other well. Unfortunately, you have to do a lot of backtracking during the rather short duration of the game to find the various transformations and other items. Unfortunately, there are no clues as to where anything else might be hidden, which quickly leads to frustration. The level of difficulty is also a bit strange. Sometimes I was stuck on bosses for ages, sometimes, especially towards the end, I defeated bosses with 5 attacks, which didn't feel very balanced. The music was great for the most part, but a bit more variety would have helped here too, especially the boss fight theme really got on my nerves. All in all a good game but I would recommend reading a guide to avoid unnecessary backtracking.